RLE Chamber of Commerce and Civic League
Minutes for December 9, 2024
Open Session: 6:30 P.M.
Call to order: 6:31
Roll Call Present Absent
Wendy Stirnaman, President (exp 2026) X
Cathy Scharf, Vice President (exp 2025) X
Tonia Silva, Treasurer (exp2026) X
Dan Welch, Director(exp2025) X
Stacey Bastian, Director (exp 2025) X
Anthony Silva, Director (exp 2026) X
Liliette Freeman, Director (exp 2025) Absent
John Todd, Director (exp 2025) X
Troy Golden, Director (exp 2025) X
Quorum Present:Yes
Sheena McGowan, Katherine Shermer, Jessica Thornhill, LeeAnn Williams, ViAnn Todd, Daniel
Williams, Craig Murry
President Opening Comments: None
Approval of the prior minutes:Tonia motioned to accept the report as presented, Troy 2nd,
motion carries.
Treasurer’s Report: Wendy motioned to accept the report as presented, Cathy 2nd, motion carries.
Old Business
- Parade entry, porta potties- Country Faire, Chamber, Tummy’s, TNT Property Management,
and Twin Rivers worked together to provide for the event. The Chamber donated $500.
2.Holiday Light Contest- 19 entries, great for the first year, and late planning. Looking forward
to next year.
3.Shop Local Holiday Cash giveaway: Only 4 entries so far.
New Business
- Nominate President- Cathy nominated Wendy for president, Tonia mentioned that bylaws do
not allow more than 2 consecutive terms. Wendy nominated Cathy for president. Cathy accepted.
Cathy nominated Wendy for Vice President, Wendy accepted, Katherine Shermer nominated
Troy from the audience. Wendy conceded to Troy. - President to appoint officers: Cathy appoints Tonia as Treasurer, Tonia accepted, Cathy
appoints LeeAnn for secretary, LeeAnn accepted. - Business of the Month- Langleys
- February Mixer: Revisit in January
5.Tonia proposed stipend for directors with surplus of budget.
Directors’ comments- John- mentioned that the ornament exchange was a ton of
Stacey- Craig from RLHS Music Department would like to speak about the
department, Twin Rivers recognized for graduation rates.
Troy- Looking forward to the 14th, busy day in town.
Cathy- Lifepointe movie night Dec 20th.
Tonia- Higher Ground Christmas Concert, December 20th. There was a write up in
the newspaper about Jr Mayor. Free kids crafts, at the Christmas Bazaar.
Anthony- Rio Java is working on DoorDash.
Public comments: Katherine mentioned Sunday the 15th at the Legion, Santa
Breakfast, kids get a stocking and a gift, Starts at 9am.
Mike Heller- Parks and Rec is being awarded Certificate of Transparency on
Wednesday the 11th at 6pm.
Jessica Thornhill- Tummy’s closed Christmas through new years.
Mr. Craig Murry- Winter Concert Thursday at 7pm. Looking to help raise money
for Jazz fest. Trying to bring the cost down to $600 per kid.
Adjourn: 7:50
Future Agenda Items-
Next Meeting is January 13th 2025, at 6:30 P.M.
Location- 6730 Front St Rio Linda, C.A. 95673