November 2024 Minutes

RLE Chamber of Commerce and Civic League
Minutes for November 11, 2024
Open Session: 6:30 P.M.
Call to order: 6.31 P.M

Roll Call Present Absent
Wendy Stirnaman, President (exp 2024) X
Cathy Scharf, Vice President (exp 2025) X
Tonia Silva, Treasurer (exp2024) X
Dan Welch, Director(exp2025) X
Stacey Bastian, Director (exp 2025) X
Anthony Silva, Director (exp 2024) X
Liliette Freeman, Director (exp 2025) X
John Todd, Director (exp 2025) X
Troy Golden, Director (exp 2025) X
Quorum Present:Yes
Steven Freeman, Sheena McGowan, ViAnn Todd, Mike Heller, LeeAnn Williams, Jessica Thornhill
President Opening Comments: None
Approval of the prior minutes:Troy motioned to accept minutes as presented, Stacey 2nd,
motion carries. Tonia & Anthony abstained.
Treasurer’s Report: Stacey motioned to accept Treasure’s Report as presented, Wendy
2nd, motion carries.

Old Business

  1. Mayor’s Race/Dinner- 94 Guests in attendance, traded a table for Lifepointe at the cost
    of $250, for the rental of the space.
    2.Holiday Decorations- Tonia motioned to reallocate funds from Parade, NNO, and
    Christmas cash in the amount of $275 for prizes, Anthony 2nd, motion carries.
    3.Shop local Holiday Cash giveaway

New Business

  1. Business of the Month- Rio Pub
  2. Nominations- Tonia, Wendy, and Anthony will stay, no other nominations.
    3.Bylaw discussion- Change the nomination committee to form in September, rather than
  3. Christmas Bazaar- Wendy motioned to give $250 to Christmas Bazaar raffle prize,
    Troy 2nd, motion carries.
  4. Parade entry- Tonia will register, Tonia, Anthony, and Jessica on commitee.
  5. Breakfast with Santa- Stacey motioned $150 to Pancake Breakfast, John 2nd, Motion
  6. Quickbooks- Wendy motioned to allow Tonia to accept payments on Quickbooks on
    the Chamber’s behalf to make the renewal process easier, John 2nd, motion carries.
  7. Printing costs- Tonia motioned $150 a year to Lifepointe for printing documents,
    flyers, newsletters, ect. Wendy 2nd, motion carries.

Directors’ comments- Stacey- Lots of improvements happening at
Twin Rivers schools.
John- Sue Frost’s last meeting is this week, Rio Linda Online will be
pushing all of the holiday events in the Rio Linda Elverta area.
Cathy- Lifepointe Church hosting Friendsgiving on the Sunday before
thanksgiving after service around 12:30pm.
Troy- Do not miss Breakfast with Santa, or the Christmas Parade.
Other Comments or Concerns- Jessica- RLHS music department is
looking for sponsors to help kids get to Jazz Fest, cost is $525 per kid.

Adjourn: 7.45PM
Future Agenda Items-
Next Meeting is December 9th 2024, at 6:30 P.M.
Location- 810 Oak Lane Rio Linda, C.A. 95673

Previous October 2024 Minutes RLE Chamber of Commerce and Civic League Minutes for October 14, 2024Open Session: 6:30 P.M. Call to order: 6:33pm