January 2025 Minutes

January Minutes

RLE Chamber of Commerce and Civic League
Minutes for January 2025
Open Session: 6:30 P.M.
Call to order: 6:33

Roll Call Present Absent

Cathy Scharf, President (exp 2025) X
Troy Golden , Vice President (exp 2025) X
Tonia Silva, Treasurer (exp2026) X
Dan Welch, Director(exp2025) X
Stacey Bastian, Director (exp 2025) X
Anthony Silva, Director (exp 2026) X
Liliette Freeman, Director (exp 2025) X
John Todd, Director (exp 2025) X
Wendy Stirnamen, Director (exp 2026) X
Quorum Present:Yes

Katherine Shermer, Sheena McGowan, Meghan & Lucas Schaefer, Tori, LeeAnn, Josh.

President Opening Comments: None
Approval of the prior minutes: Tonia motioned, Dan 2nd, motion carries.
Treasurer’s Report: Stacey motioned, Troy 2nd, motion carries.
Old Business

  1. February Mixer-Checking with Rosario Rodriguez, possible location is The Shindig Spot,
    possible dates are February 19th, 20th, or 21st at 6:30 P.M. Tonia motioned a $200 budget to
    cover location and snacks, Troy 2nd, motion carries.
  2. Stipend update- Directors, plus one attended a dinner at The Grotto in lieu of a stipend. The
    total cost was $650.
  3. Rio Linda Online Advertisement- Cost is $200 a quarter, will be discussed at the Feb. meeting.

New Business

  1. Business of the Month: Ricardo’s Pool Service. The Board has decided to do a weekly
    spotlight, rather than one business a month. Will spin the wheel on the Monday before and start
    advertisement the following Sunday and run through Saturday.
  2. Budget- the Executive Committee will come with a full budget report at the February meeting.
  3. Committees for the year- Mayor’s Race Chair- Cathy, Mayor’s Dinner Chair- Wendy, LeeAnn
    on committee, Community Champion Chair- Tonia, Light Contest/Parade Chair- Troy,
    Scholarship Chair- Dan, Mixer Chair- Stacey, LeeAnn on committee, Community
    Membership/Involvement Chair- LeeAnn, County Liaison Chair – Anthony, John on committee,
    Business Watch Chair- John.
  4. Business Watch- The first meeting will be held February 11th at 10 A.M. at Rio Java, and on
    the 2nd Tuesday of the month thereafter. The D.A. will be present.
    5.TOT Grant- Tonia will apply for the grant, which will take about 30 hours. Dan motioned
    $500 for her time investment, and if the grant is approved the remainder of the cost will be built
    into the grant. Stacey 2nd, Anthony opposed, motion carries.
  5. Contractor Position- The board unanimously agreed the position is valuable and would like to
    keep the contractor until minimum June.
    7.Bi-monthly out reach to Business Committee- Referred to the Community/Membership
  6. Impact of Rio Linda Down Town Planning Area ordinance- The ordinance has not been
    upheld on the county side, and is creating issues for the community. The Chamber will revisit the
  7. Food Truck Monday- will revisit in February.

Directors’ comments: Dan- The Grange plant sale will be the first weekend in

April. Wendy- The Treasured Penny will close at the end of the month. Stacey-
Twin Rivers is looking for community involvement on committees. Also the Sac

Sewer Project seems to be a hardship on several neighborhoods in the community.
John- The Light Contest was great, definitely want to hit the ground running next
year. Also just did an interview with Comstock. Cathy- grand opening for The
Grotto will be on Thursday at 11A.M. Troy- Parks & Rec has a youth 8 week
activity starting. Tonia- Grotto has an extensive menu. Someone has a master key
to all the communal mailboxes in town, be on the look out, and report.

Public comments: Josh- Social Security Act passed, Ami Berra is very thankful.
Tori is glad Direct Hit Pest Control has joined the Chamber. Jessica- Tummy’s is
hosting a charcuterie board class.

Adjourn: 8:38 P.M.

Future Agenda Items-
The next meeting is February 10th 2025, at 6:30 P.M.

Location- 6730 Front St Rio Linda, C.A. 95673

Previous December 2024 Minutes