December 2024 Minutes

RLE Chamber of Commerce and Civic League
Minutes for December 9, 2024
Open Session: 6:30 P.M.
Call to order: 6:31

Roll Call Present Absent

Wendy Stirnaman, President (exp 2026) X
Cathy Scharf, Vice President (exp 2025) X
Tonia Silva, Treasurer (exp2026) X
Dan Welch, Director(exp2025) X
Stacey Bastian, Director (exp 2025) X
Anthony Silva, Director (exp 2026) X
Liliette Freeman, Director (exp 2025) Absent
John Todd, Director (exp 2025) X
Troy Golden, Director (exp 2025) X
Quorum Present:Yes

Sheena McGowan, Katherine Shermer, Jessica Thornhill, LeeAnn Williams, ViAnn Todd, Daniel
Williams, Craig Murry
President Opening Comments: None
Approval of the prior minutes:Tonia motioned to accept the report as presented, Troy 2nd,
motion carries.
Treasurer’s Report: Wendy motioned to accept the report as presented, Cathy 2nd, motion carries.
Old Business

  1. Parade entry, porta potties- Country Faire, Chamber, Tummy’s, TNT Property Management,
    and Twin Rivers worked together to provide for the event. The Chamber donated $500.
    2.Holiday Light Contest- 19 entries, great for the first year, and late planning. Looking forward
    to next year.
    3.Shop Local Holiday Cash giveaway: Only 4 entries so far.

New Business

  1. Nominate President- Cathy nominated Wendy for president, Tonia mentioned that bylaws do
    not allow more than 2 consecutive terms. Wendy nominated Cathy for president. Cathy accepted.
    Cathy nominated Wendy for Vice President, Wendy accepted, Katherine Shermer nominated
    Troy from the audience. Wendy conceded to Troy.
  2. President to appoint officers: Cathy appoints Tonia as Treasurer, Tonia accepted, Cathy
    appoints LeeAnn for secretary, LeeAnn accepted.
  3. Business of the Month- Langleys
  4. February Mixer: Revisit in January
    5.Tonia proposed stipend for directors with surplus of budget.

Directors’ comments- John- mentioned that the ornament exchange was a ton of
Stacey- Craig from RLHS Music Department would like to speak about the
department, Twin Rivers recognized for graduation rates.
Troy- Looking forward to the 14th, busy day in town.
Cathy- Lifepointe movie night Dec 20th.
Tonia- Higher Ground Christmas Concert, December 20th. There was a write up in
the newspaper about Jr Mayor. Free kids crafts, at the Christmas Bazaar.
Anthony- Rio Java is working on DoorDash.
Public comments: Katherine mentioned Sunday the 15th at the Legion, Santa
Breakfast, kids get a stocking and a gift, Starts at 9am.
Mike Heller- Parks and Rec is being awarded Certificate of Transparency on
Wednesday the 11th at 6pm.
Jessica Thornhill- Tummy’s closed Christmas through new years.
Mr. Craig Murry- Winter Concert Thursday at 7pm. Looking to help raise money
for Jazz fest. Trying to bring the cost down to $600 per kid.

Adjourn: 7:50

Future Agenda Items-
Next Meeting is January 13th 2025, at 6:30 P.M.

Location- 6730 Front St Rio Linda, C.A. 95673

Previous November 2024 Minutes