March 2024 Minutes RLE Chamber of Commerce and Civic League

Minutes for March 11th, 2024

Open Session: 6:30 P.M.

Call to order: 6:28 P.M.

Roll CallPresentAbsent
Wendy Stirnaman, President (exp 2024)X 
Cathy Scharf, Vice President (exp 2025)X 
Tonia Silva, Treasurer (exp2024)X 
Dan Welch, Director(exp2025)X 
Stacey Bastian, Director (exp 2025)X 
Anthony Silva, Director (exp 2024)X 
Liliette Freeman, Director (exp 2025) X
John Todd, Director (exp 2025)X 
Troy Golden, Director (exp 2025)X 

                                                             Quorum Present: YES


Sheena, ViAnn, Edwin, Andrea, Bob Langley, Walt, Jessica & Jolene Thornhill, LeeAnn

President Opening Comments: Great Lunch & Learn event.

Approval of the prior minutes: Dan motioned, Tonia 2nd,motion passes.

Treasurer’s Report and approval:  Anthony motioned, Dan 2nd, motion passes.

Old Business

1. City map cartoon (Committee)- Directory on backside of map, cut off for map is Friday

2. Refund Country Faire? Will send a refund.

3. Name Tags (John) John will order.

4. Lunch & Learn Recap, New faces, 1 new member, good event.

New Business

  1. Business of the Month(LeeAnn)- Sinclair
  2. Membership update (LeeAnn)- 84 Members
  3. May Business Mixer Plans. Self defense safety course May 8th, 6:00 doors open, 6:30 class starts. $15 member price, $20 nonmembers.  Create survey for future mixers.

Other Comments or Concerns-

Director Comments:  –  Stacey- Thank you to Rio Linda Pub for hosting the Lunch & Learn. NNO August 6th 5pm-8pm. Troy, enjoyed Lunch & Learn. Tonia- Jr. Grange doing Easter rock hunt, Rio Java launched new menu, Higher Ground relocated to the old Methodist building.

Public Comments:  Jessica Thornhill, Little League parade went well, Tri Tip dinner for 4H/Barn Yard Bitters. $60, April 5th.

Adjourn -7.43pm


Future Agenda Items

Next Meeting is April 8th, 2024, at 6:30 P.M

Location- Depot Building 6730 Front St, Rio Linda, C.A. 95673

Previous RLE Chamber of Commerce and Civic League