RLE Chamber of Commerce and Civic League

Minutes for January 8, 2024

Open Session: 6:30 P.M.

Call to order: 6:28 P.M.

Roll CallPresentAbsent
Wendy Stirnaman, President (exp 2024)X 
Cathy Scharf, Vice President (exp 2023)X 
Tonia Silva, Treasurer (exp2024)X 
Dan Welch, Director(exp2025)X 
Stacey Bastian, Director (exp 2025)X 
Anthony Silva, Director (exp 2024)X 
Liliette Freeman, Director (exp 2023)X 
John Todd, Director (exp 2025) X
Troy Golden, Director (exp 2025)X 

                                                             Quorum Present:Yes


Meg, Sheena, LeeAnn, Steven

President Opening Comments: none

Approval of the prior minutes: Tonia motioned, Anthony 2nd , motion carries.

Treasurer’s Report and approval: : Stacey motioned, Liliette 2nd, motion carries.

Old Business

1. City map cartoon drawing and payments (Committee)- base draft almost completed, working through revisions.34 businesses so far want on map.

2. January business class (Tonia) 16 seats sold

3. Name Tags (John) revisit Feb

New Business

  1. Business of the Month(LeeAnn, Troy)- The Treasured Penny. Push Live videos.
  2. Membership update (LeeAnn)-84 members
  3. Membership plaques (Troy) – Revisit in Feb
  4. Promotion- (LeeAnn) No email blasts to promote chamber member business, other than newsletters.

Other Comments or Concerns-none

Director Comments: Dan- wants to be more involved with the Mayor’s Race next year.

Cathy- The Lions gave away 32 meals, 75 coats, 82 books, and are hosting a paint night Feb 10th. Tonia- Rio Java is hosting a Galantines event Feb.10th, coffee flights and card making.

Public Comments:  Sheena thanked the Chamber members for purchasing Christmas lights.

Adjourn -7:19


Future Agenda Items

Next Meeting is February 12, 2024, at 6:30 P.M

Location- Depot Building 6730 Front St, Rio Linda, C.A. 95673

Previous February 2024 Minutes