November Minutes 2023 RLE Chamber of Commerce and Civic League

Minutes for November 13th, 2023

Open Session: 6:30 P.M.

Call to order:

Roll CallPresentAbsent
Wendy Stirnaman, President (exp 2024)X 
Cathy Scharf, Vice President (exp 2023)X 
Tonia Silva, Treasurer (exp2024)X 
Dan Welch, Director(exp2025)X 
Stacey Bastian, Director (exp 2025) X
Anthony Silva, Director (exp 2024)X 
Liliette Freeman, Director (exp 2023)X 
John Todd, Director (exp 2025)X 
Troy Golden, Director (exp 2025)X 

                                                             Quorum Present:


Shelly Bolsover, Meg Schaefer, Andrea, Edwin, Steve Freeman, ViAnn Todd, LeeAnn Williams

President Opening Comments: Wendy commented on the Mayor/ Community Champion event, recognized the people who organized it.

Approval of the prior minutes: Tonia motioned, Dan 2nd, motion passes.

Treasurer’s Report and approval: Wendy motioned, Troy 2nd , motion passes.

Old Business

1. Mayor’s Race dinner/ Community Champion- Final update at next meeting. 64 attendees

2. City map cartoon drawing (Committee)- Dan motioned $350 for draft, Anthony 2nd, motion passes

3. Name Tags (John) get vector file from creator, revisit

4. January business class (Tonia) Business coach(Alger Coaching),business 101(Tonia)Jan 10th ,6pm. Troy motioned $15 nonmembers, $10 member ticket pricing, Cathy 2nd, motion passes.

5.Renewal, and Membership fees- Change tier amounts to $100, $200, $300 Dan motioned, Liliette 2nd , motion passes.

New Business

  1. Director nominations- Troy, Dan, John nominee committee. Cathy and Liliette seats are available. Nominees from committee are Cathy, and Liliette. Tonia nominated Meg.
  2. Dan Welch- EDDM’s Tonia motioned $2500, John 2nd, motion passes. To go out Dec 1st listing all the Chamber Businesses, and the Christmas Cash raffle. Spend $250 total between dec 1st and December 21st at a chamber business to be eligible to win.
  3. Business of the Month(LeeAnn)- Mawd Agency
  4. Membership update (LeeAnn)- 80 members
  5. 6pmDecember Business Mixer( Anthony) Ornament Exchange Dec 21st , 6pm, Rio Java, Businesses only. Charcuterie.
  6. Parade Entry(John) Tonia motioned $20 for parade entry fee, Liliette 2nd, motion passes.
  7. Chamber Storage- Dan motioned $29.64 for storage fee, Anthony 2nd , motion passes.

Other Comments or Concerns- none

Director Comments: John- North Sac Chamber bought candy for businesses, great idea for next year, Small Business Sat is Nov. 25th. Troy- Golden Ray Solar is offering Christmas light services. Tonia- Dealing with IRS for a $2000 penalty for 2015, hoping to get it waived, two upcoming classes at Rio Java with spots open still. Cathy- Bob’s Blessings donations Dec 16th, at Lifepointe Chuch.

Public Comments: Rio pub is rebranding and becoming family friendly. Toy Drive for Shriners at Meg’s Creamery.

Adjourn -7:53

Notes- none

Future Agenda Items

Next Meeting is December 11th ,2023 at 6:30 P.M

Location- Depot Building 6730 Front St, Rio Linda, C.A. 95673

Previous October Minutes 2023 RLE Chamber of Commerce and Civic League