RLE Chamber of Commerce and Civic League
Minutes for August 14th, 2023
Open Session: 6:30 P.M.
Call to order:6:31
Roll Call | Present | Absent |
Wendy Stirnaman, President (exp 2024) | x | |
Cathy Scharf, Vice President (exp 2023) | x | |
Tonia Silva, Treasurer ( exp 2024) | x | |
Dan Welch, Director (exp 2025) | x | |
Anthony Silva, Director (exp 2024) | x | |
Liliette Freeman, Director (2023) | x | |
John Todd, Director (exp 2025) | x | |
Troy Golden, Director (exp 2025) | x | |
Stacy Bastian, Director (exp 2025) | x |
Quorum Present: yes
Sheena McGowan, Meghan Schaefer, Steve Freeman, LeaaAnn Williams |
President Opening Comments: Reminder for audience, 2 minutes for each agenda item. Info@chamber email is from the entire board, and usually sent out by LeeAnn.
Approval of the prior minutes: Tonia motioned, Dan 2nd, motion passes.
Treasurer’s Report and approval: Wendy motioned, Dan 2nd, motion passes.
Old Business
1. Bylaws voting (Wendy, Dan, Tonia) Art XII Section 5- change current bylaw to read,” after missing 3 meetings, missing the 4th will be taken as resignation in a calendar year”. Dan motioned, Anthony 2nd, motion passes unanimously by a show of hands.
Art XV Section 5- Change current bylaws to” allow a debit card incapable of making cash withdrawals. Change to single signature for chamber approved expenses.” Tonia motioned, Liliette 2nd, 1 abstained, motion passes by a show of hands.
Art XV Section 1- “Add the word Fiscal” Tonia motioned; Anthony 2nd motion passes unanimously by a show of hands.
Art XV Blank- “To allow discretionary fund of $500 to be able to handle unforeseen expenses between meetings with at least 5/9 board approval. Must have initial email with 5 board member approval response. Email chain to be kept as record and presented at next meeting. All receipts must be deposited to the Treasurer.” Tonia motioned, Anthony 2nd, motion passes unanimously by a show of hands.
2. New logo (Discussion) Tonia motioned $500 for new logo, Dan 2nd, logo will be sent to directors via email.
3 Mayor’s Race Update-(Cathy, LeeAnn) Katherine Shermer is well in the lead, still plenty of tickets available. Need to purchase more tickets from the previously approved ticket budget.
4. City map cartoon drawing (Committee) Dan motioned $1500 for cool city map, Liliette 2nd, motion passes.
5 Membership stickers, new membership bags- (LeeAnn) Tonia motioned $1000 for coffee cups, pens, stickers, and payment for coupon books. Anthony 2nd, motion carries/
New Business
- 1. Business of the Month (LeeAnn) Rio Linda Online
- Mayors Social- Late August and early September (LeeAnn) Check with mayors and pick a date, fun pie contest.
- Community Champion Award (Tonia, Wendy) Dan motioned $326 for awards for winner, Tonia 2nd, motion passes.
- Mayors Dinner (LeeAnn- Cathy) Wendy motioned to hold at Grange Hall, Cathy 2nd, motion passes.
- Country Faire ( Discussion) Pay $20 for booth rental, see about sponsoring a dunk tank.
- Name tags at events (John Todd) Tonia motioned $20 for tags and sharpies, Wendy 2nd, motion passes.
- Change Tax Year End Date (Tonia) Tonia is going to change tax date to a calendar year.
- National Night Out expenditure Tonia motioned reimbursement of $98.67 for national night out expense, Dan 2nd motion passes
- Business Mixer – (LeeAnn) Tonia hosts a business 101 class, revisit in September.
- Dunk Tank- Tonia motioned $300, Liliette 2nd, motion passes.
- Insurance Cost- Insurance is up for renewal, decided to stay at Depot building.
Other Comments or Concerns none
Director Comments: Cathy- Lifepointe Craft Fair Oct 14th, Prom for special need children coming, and Lisa Dags Concert. Dan- Zucchini Races big success. Tonia met Sue Frost’s endorsement, seems interested in being involved in our community.
Public Comments: none
Adjourn 8:28 P.M.
Next Meeting is September 11th ,2023 at 6:30 P.M
Location- Depot Building 6730 Front St, Rio Linda, C.A. 95673