RLE Chamber of Commerce and Civic League
Agenda for March 13, 2023
Open Session: 6:30 PM
Call to order: 6:35
Wendy Stirnaman, President (exp 2024) | X | ||
Cathy Scharf, Vice President (exp 2023) | X | ||
Tonia Silva, Treasurer (exp 2024) | X | ||
Dan Welch, Director (exp 2025) | X | ||
Stacy Bastian, Director (exp 2025) | X | ||
Anthony Silva, Director (exp 2024) | X | ||
Liliette Freeman, Director (exp 2023) | X | ||
John Todd, Director (exp 2025) | X |
![Text Box: Absent]()
![Text Box: Excused]()
Roll Call
Shirley Breckenridge, Megan Schaefer, Troy Golden, Sheena McGowen, Karrie Anderson, Aron Anderson, LeeAnn Williams |
President Opening Comments: Asked for audience to hold comments until the end
Approval of the prior minutes: Tonia motioned, Dan 2nd
Treasurer’s Report and approval: Dan motioned, Stacey 2nd
Old Business
1.Grant Money: beautification projects- Rain has put most of the projects on hold
2. Grant updates – Reimbursements should be in account by April
3.New logo (John Todd) – Shelf until April meeting
4. Membership fee increases (LeeAnn, John, Liliette) Presented new membership benefits. Tonia motioned, John 2nd
5.Mayors Race- Tonia motioned $700 to be spent on mayors’ tickets Anthony 2nd
6. Marketing Event- Held at parks and rec, food will be a tri tip dinner at $25 a plate, coming out of original $2500 budget
New Business
1. Vacant Seat (Wendy)- shelf until April meeting
2. 4-1 country fair event (discussion)Dan motioned $100 for vendor fees for April 1st, April 26th, and may craft fairs. Stacey 2nd
3. City map cartoon drawing (Tonia)- revisit in April
4. Business of the Month- (LeeAnn)– River Ridge Realty
5. Website management/ Stipend (John ) revisit in April
Other Comments or Concerns
Director Comments: John – Country Fair Crab dinner was great, a must go, parade had ran but it was still a great event. Stacey- Twin Rivers baseball/ Softball fields halted by rain, Rio Linda Little League opening day March 18th, vendors at the field. Tonia- Taxes in our county extended until October.
Public Comments: Troy Golden mentioned using FFA for dinners in the future.
Adjourn – 8:02 PM
Next Meeting is April 10th ,2023 at 6:30 P.M