Minutes for February 13, 2023
Open Session: 6:30 PM
Call to order: 6:30 PM
Wendy Stirnaman, President (exp 2024) | X | ||
Cathy Scharf, Vice President (exp 2023) | X | ||
Tonia Silva, Treasurer (exp 2024) | X | ||
Cindel Pena, Director (exp 2023) | X | ||
Dan Welch, Director (exp 2025) | X | ||
Anthony Silva, Director (exp 2024) | X | ||
Liliette Freeman, Director (exp 2023) | X | ||
John Todd, Director (exp 2025) | X | ||
Stacy Bastian, Director (exp 2025) | X |
![Text Box: Absent]()
![Text Box: Excused]()
Roll Call
LeeAnn Williams, ViAnn Todd, Gene Moore, Charlea Moore, Shirley Breckenridge, Stephen Freeman, Troy Golden, Sheena McGowan, Megan Schaefer, Jamie Scobee |
President Opening Comments: Cindel Pena resigned.
Approval of the prior minutes: Tonia motioned, Anthony 2nd Stacey abstained.
Treasurer’s Report and approval: Anthony motioned, Liliette 2nd
Old Business
1.Grant Money: beautification projects- Marvel shopping center work days Feb 26th, March 4th , Tonia motioned next 5 members that sign up get the $50 rate Tonia motioned, Liliette 2nd
2.Budget- Dan motioned, Anthony 2nd
3.Ads for newsletter (LeeAnn Williams) 11 members to receive 3 months of advertising.
4. Membership fee increases (LeeAnn, John, Liliette) come with finalized tiers in March
5. By laws- proposed changes to bylaws, by bylaw committee Revisit in March
New Business
1. Business of the Month- (LeeAnn) Reel Bait and Tackle
2. Business Mixer – (LeeAnn) Event planned for 3-29, ticketed event. Members $15, non-members $25. $2500 budget Tonia motioned, Dan 2nd
3. New Logo – (John) John brought a new logo, revisit in March
4. Mission Statement – (John) Tonia will send Mission statement
5. Mayor Race (Wendy, Tonia) start accepting applicants now, Ticket sales start April 1st, and close either 9-30-23 or 10-31-23. Dinner to honor 10-7-23 or 11-4-23
6. Events, National Night Out, Santa Breakfast (Tonia, Wendy) Santa breakfast to return to Parks and Rec and Country Lions. National Night Out sponsored by Neighborhood Association
7. Honoring people (Wendy) see item 5
8. Maintaining Website (LeeAnn)
9. Memberships/grant money (LeeAnn) see item 1
Other Comments or Concerns
Director Comments: Highschool stadium banners are being made by They Key Shop, high quality. Stacey mentioned the new fields and softball stadiums almost done. Paul Orlando is retiring at the end of the year. Little league parade, and Vendors at field March 18th
Public Comments:
LeeAnn asked for all agenda items to be sent by email. Gene asked about Director replacement for next meeting.
Adjourn – 8:07
Next Meeting is March 13 ,2023 at 6:30 P.M
Location- Depot Building 6730 Front St, Rio Linda, C.A. 95673